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Development Opportunities
LHP has pledged to provide at least 60 extra new homes in Lincolnshire each year enabling us to house an additional 4,000 people over the next 30 years. Interested in working with us? Then get in touch by filling in the form below:
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Contact form for developers
Lincs Independent Living Partnership (LILP) is a consortium of five local charitable organisations working at the heart of the community to promote independent living.
Lincolnshire Housing Partnership (LHP) are LILP members and by working with the other members and with external agencies, have developed services such as the Memory Lane Dementia Day Service, HART Service and the First Response Out of Hours Service, to enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of our more vulnerable customers and the wider local community.

We are a member of PlaceShapers – a growing national network of over 100 locally based housing providers that together have a considerable influence in national housing policy.
Collectively members own over 725,000 homes between us, which is a full one-quarter of all housing association homes, and our services are used by over 2 million people.
As a member, we act as an individual, independent social business, embedded in the communities where we work. What unites us in PlaceShapers is that we have all agreed to act in accordance with key principles:
- We put our residents and customers at the centre of what we do and ensure they have real influence on our organisation
- We care about the people and places where we work and make sure we are providing more than just landlord services
- We build homes that respond to local housing need
- We believe in maintaining a strong, independent, diverse and values-driven housing association sector
- And last but not least, we recognise the importance of local focus and of working actively with our local authorities and other local partners.
PlaceShapers are distinctive. We build more than homes – we shape communities and unite around shared values as a voice for change.