Aids and Adaptations


If you have a disability you may find that simple adaptations to your home would make living an independent life much easier.

You can view our Aids & Adaptations Policy here.

What adaptations are available?

We can provide minor adaptations such as:

  • grab rails
  • lever taps
  • small half steps (where a doorstep is too high)

Please request a minor adaptation by logging into your myLHP account.

What if I need a major adaptation?

If you might need extensive alterations to your home, this is classed as a major adaptation. These include:

  • extending the property
  • providing ramped access for wheelchair users
  • providing or improving access to the bedroom, kitchen, toilet, washbasin, bath and/or shower facilities
  • improving access and movement around the home
  • automation technology.

These would need to be funded by Disabled Facilities Grant and carried out by approved contractors under the supervision of your local authority.

Please note that where any adaptation is installed you may be liable for the ongoing maintenance costs.

Who can qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant?

You (or your family member) must be registered or capable of being registered as a disabled person.

Unless your application for an adaptation is for the benefit of children aged under 19, your application will be subject to a means test. This means that your income and assets will be taken into account in deciding whether you are entitled to any help.

Grant money is limited and there may be a wait before your application is processed.

Major adaptations must be necessary, and appropriate to meet your needs, as well as ‘reasonable and practical’. By reasonable and practical we mean that the property must be suitable to be adapted, and when adapted will continue to meet your needs for a reasonable period of time. If we felt that adapting the property would not provide a long term solution, it may be that moving to a more suitable property would be the best solution. If so, we will work with you to identify more suitable properties.

How do I apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant?

You will need to contact your local authority’s adult social care team to arrange for them to assess you in your home. They will tell us what you require and to what specifications. You can find out more by visiting North East Lincolnshire CouncilBoston Borough Council or Lincolnshire County Council.