We’ve developed a range of ways to get involved and have your say. We’ve put together several groups which you can join to get involved on issues that matter to you.
We’re always looking for more customers to get involved! To register to join any of these groups, simply sign up on YourVoice.

Estate Inspectors (Green/Clean Inspectors)
Join us to inspect our communal spaces and empty homes to ensure they meet our high standards.
We understand that we will occasionally get things wrong. Our Customer Complaints Panel review complaint information, to make sure we have followed our complaints process correctly.
Sheltered Scheme Meetings
If you live in a building with a communal lounge, pop in and see your housing officer at your regular drop-in session.
Digital & Document Group
Help us to make sure our letters, documents and digital services are providing you with the information you need. We review letters, leaflets and other customer communications.
Neighbourhood Walkabouts
Join your housing officer for a walk around your local area – or any area you like! You’ll help us to keep your neighbourhood clean & safe by identifying any issues as we walk around. Head to our events page to book on to a walkabout.
Ever wondered how we decide which contractor to use? Be a part of it! You’ll join our tender evaluation panels for the procurement of customer facing services. You’ll help us to write a tender specification, be involved in scoring, and see how a contract is awarded.
The Customer Scrutiny Panel are independent and customer-led and work in partnership with LHP and its partners. The Panel investigates performance, service and complaints and makes recommendations to the Board on how to improve service delivery by looking at the service from a different perspective. The Panel ensures customers receive high quality services that meet their needs and provide value for money.
Service reviews and policy reviews
We want you to tell us what you think of our services. Join our service and policy review groups to give your feedback on our services when they are due for review.
We’ll be including customers in the recruitment of customer facing roles, at interview stage. You’ll help our recruitment team to choose the right candidate who understands our values and can bring a positive, customer first service to our customers.