Understanding Migration
If you’re on legacy benefits and are being asked about migrating to Universal Credit, you can view our helpful guide here.
How much is it?
Universal Credit is a standard allowance for your household plus any elements for your family circumstances if applicable, including:
- housing
- childcare costs
- responsibility for children or young people
- disabled children
- an ill or disabled adult
- being a carer.
If you or someone in your household has other earnings and/or savings this will be taken into account when your Universal Credit payment is calculated. Find out how much you will be entitled to or click here to be taken through the application process step-by-step.
It can take up to six weeks after you have made your claim to get your first payment.
What if I am working?
You can work as many hours as you like, there are no limits. If you’re in work you may be entitled to a work allowance.
Make your claim online. If you’re making a joint claim for you and your partner, you will need to enter details for both of you.
- When the application states: ‘Do you pay rent to live in your home?’
- Answer ‘yes’ even if your rent is paid by Housing Benefit
- Confirm your landlord details: Lincolnshire Housing Partnership
Once you have made your claim, you’ll have to go to the Job Centre for an interview, agree and sign your Claimant Commitment provide identity documentation and discuss whether you’ll need help with budgeting.
Tell us…
As soon as you are in receipt of Universal Credit, you must tell us
Pay your rent
If you receive Housing Benefit for your rent, this will stop and the money will be paid directly to you as part of your Universal Credit payment. You need to pay your rent to LHP yourself. This should be your top priority.
Setting up a Direct Debit is the quickest and easiest way to pay your rent in full, every month. It also stops you forgetting.
Get ready
To help you get ready, there are a few things you can do before it is time to make a claim…
Get your rent account into credit
It can take up to six weeks for your Universal Credit application to be processed so make an extra payment to LHP now.
If you are going to find it difficult to manage until you receive your first payment, ask for an Advance Payment when you make a claim.
Get online
If you’re not already, find out how you can get online or access online services. There are lots of local organisations who can offer help and advice. Plus places that hold free online sessions.
Set up a bank account
Universal Credit is paid directly into a bank account. Some banks offer ‘basic’ bank accounts – accounts where you are not allowed to go overdrawn or into debt.
Manage your money
Plan how you will budget your payment. We know it’s a huge temptation receiving a large sum of money in one go but you must make sure that you pay your priority rent first then other bills. contact us for support and advice.
If you feel you may struggle managing your monthly payments, ask about Alternative Payment Arrangements.
Our support and advice section provides lots of useful hints and tips or use Money Manager from The Money Advice Service.
Don’t bury your head in the sand
If you are concerned about how Universal Credit will affect you please speak to us as soon as possible.
Find out more…
You’ll find more information about Universal Credit here.