Posted 24 December 2024
Enjoy a Considerate Christmas
There are lots of ways to enjoy the Christmas Season, whatever you’ve got planned – please be considerate to your neighbours!
If you are planning to set off Fireworks over the Christmas and New Year season be sure to let your neighbours know!
Letting others know what you’re planning gives them time to plan how they will keep their animals from feeling afraid or fleeing
Be Sure to Notify your Neighbour so everyone nearby can enjoy your fireworks as well as keep their pets secure
Don’t forget to get rid of the used fireworks correctly, leave them in a bucket of water overnight and then place them in you general waste bin
Loud music
Keep the volume down especially during the later evening, night or early morning. Better still use headphones if you want to play your music loud or late at night. Place speakers away from party walls and stand them on insulating materials. If you are having a party, consider inviting the neighbours, keep windows and doors closed and if someone complains turn the music down.
Noise Issues
Noise from neighbours can cause disturbance and be particularly annoying if this affects our quality of life, for example, lack of sleep. If at all possible it is better to initially discuss the problem with your neighbour, as often, an investigation by LHP may lead to a serious breakdown in neighbour relations.
If you feel you can approach your neighbour regarding a potential noise problem be calm and polite. In most cases, people are unaware of the problem they are causing. Threatening behaviour will not help to resolve the problem and can often make things worse.
Explain to your neighbour that the noise is disturbing you and your family. If loud amplified music is the problem, invite them to come into your home so they can listen to it from your position.
However if is not possible to discuss with your neighbour or if the noise problem continues you can contact 03456041472
Domestic Abuse
If you need support with domestic abuse, there’s a wide range of support available:
Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service
Support for men, women and children suffering or fleeing from domestic abuse.
01522 510041
Support for victims of domestic abuse in Spalding, Boston, Holbeach and surrounding areas.
01205 311272
Offering support to those who cause harm, holding them accountable whilst aiming to keep survivors safe.
0808 8024040
North East Lincolnshire Women’s Aid
Domestic abuse support, help and advice:
01472 575757
Visit www.domesticabuselincolnshirehp.com for current services available in Lincolnshire.
If you believe that a child or adult may be a victim of neglect, abuse or cruelty, call:
Children’s safeguarding: 01522 782111 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm)
Adults safeguarding: 01522 782155 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm)
Out of hours: 01522 782333