Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) - Lincolnshire Housing Partnership

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

What are TSM’s?

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) are performance measures that all providers of social housing must report upon in a bid to drive up standards for customers and give them a better understanding of how we are performing as a landlord. The measures will give you, our customers, improved visibility and the ability to hold us to account when things don’t go right. Each landlord is required to publish their results annually, starting in Summer 2024, to give customers the opportunity to compare their landlord with others in the same sector.

There are 26 measures in total and they are split into 2 parts. 14 Management Information measures and 12 Tenant Perception measures, the latter being collected through surveying our customers directly. You can find more details of the TSM’s and why they have been introduced on the gov.uk website here.

The TSMs cover the following key areas:

Our Results

Below, you’ll find our full reports for the Tenant Perception and Management Information measures that together form the TSMs.

You can also see more about our approach – how we’ve gathered this information and who we’ve gathered it from.

You can also read our full Telephone Survey script to see exactly how we ask these questions.

2023-24: Tenant Perception Measures

MeasureProportion of customers who report that they are satisfied
How satisfied are you with the service provided by LHP?82.7%
How satisfied are you with the overall repairs service from LHP over the last 12 months?85.1%
How satisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it?79.6%
How satisfied are you that LHP provides a home that is well maintained?82.2%
Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in, how satisfied are you that LHP provides a home that is safe?85.6%
How satisfied are you that LHP listens to your views and acts upon them?73.8%
How satisfied are you that LHP keeps you informed about things that matter to you?83.6%
To what extent do you agree with the following: "LHP treats me fairly and with respect"?87.5%
How satisfied are you with LHP's approach to complaints handling?40.4%
How satisfied are you that LHP keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained?67.4%
How satisfied are you that LHP makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood?73.5%
How satisfied are you with LHP's approach to handling antisocial behaviour?70.4%

2023-24: Management Information Measures

Key Performance Indicators2023/24 Year End Value
Gas safety checks99.5%
Fire safety checks100%
Asbestos safety checks100%
Water safety checks100%
Lift safety checks100%
Complaints relative to the size of the landlord (Stage 1)28.2 / 1,000 properties
Complaints relative to the size of the landlord (Stage 2)0.9 / 1,000 properties
Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales (Stage 1)92.5%
Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales (Stage 2)100%
Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (all cases)23.9 / 1,000 properties
Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (hate cases)0.3 / 1,000 properties
Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard0%
Repairs completed within target timescale (non-emergency repairs)57.5%
Repairs completed within target timescale (emergency repairs)97.6%

Summary of Approach

To support with the publication of our TSM results, below is outlined a summary of the approach we have taken to arrive at the results. Throughout the year we completed 1,010 surveys, distributed across the four quarters, beginning on 20 April 2023, with the last surveys being completed on 5 February 2024. The majority of the surveys (998) were completed by telephone, with the remaining 12 undertaken online. This approach was used as it mirrors our existing transactional surveying process.

In accordance with the Regulator for Social Housing guidance, our customer population meant we could not practically contact all, therefore, we adopted a random, stratified sampling approach with quotas based on tenure type, location and age of customers. These groups were selected to ensure we had a fair cross section of our customers views. The breakdown for each of the groups can be seen below:

Tenure Type

Tenure TypePopulation - NumberPopulation - % Surveys - NumberSurveys - %
Care homes270%00%
Fair rent10%00%
General Needs - affordable rent2342%50%
General Needs - social rent9,33682%86486%
Housing for Older People/Sheltered1,580 14%13714%
Intermediate rent2052%40%


LocationPopulation - NumberPopulation - % Surveys - NumberSurveys - %

Age of Customer

AgePopulation - NumberPopulation - % Surveys - NumberSurveys - %
0 to 24 years2692%242%
25 to 34 years1,19410%10210%
35 to 44 years2,08018%16717%
45 to 54 years1,83116%15215%
55 to 59 years1,08310%9810%
60 to 64 years1,09110%869%
65 to 74 years1,88917%19720%
75 to 84 years1,40512%13213%
85+ years5415%525%

We worked with our surveying partner, Acuity Research & Practice Ltd, for the collection, generation and validation of the twelve Tenant Perception measures.

We have not applied any weighting to our results, excluded any customers for exceptional circumstances, nor have incentives been offered for completion of the surveys. However, there were a number of customers who requested not to be contacted in relation to any of the surveying we complete, therefore, there is a small variation with the actual population.

If you have any further questions about our approach please feel free to contact info@lincolnshirehp.com

Why is this happening?

In 2020, the government published the charter for social housing residents: social housing white paper, which sets out ways to improve things for people living in social housing.

One of those improvement measures is bringing in a set of tenant satisfaction measures.

These measures will:

  • let customers see how well their landlord is doing
  • gives the government and the Regulator an idea of which landlords might need to improve things.

When did this start?

This started in April 2023, when all housing providers had to start to collect data around the 26 measures. We’re achieving this by surveying our customers, and every summer, we’ll report this information to the Regulator for Social Housing and publish it on our website.

Our survey partners, Acuity, contact customers to collect feedback and report this data to us on a quarterly basis, along with some additional questions, which give us more insight into your experience of our services.  This then gives us a clear picture of areas we need to work on, to improve your experience with us.

Calls from Acuity are genuine and calls will only come from this telephone number: 01273 093939

If you’d like to find out more about Acuity, you can read our page to learn more about Acuity or you can visit their website.

Customer First

One of our core values is “Customer First”.  This means we put customers at the heart of our decision making and develop homes and services which are built around your needs. We have an established Customer Scrutiny Panel and many other ways to get involved and make recommendations as to how LHP can improve services.  We put customers at the heart of our decision making and ensure we listen, act and learn, a core value to us at LHP

We also regularly seek feedback on the delivery of our services to you through survey, and by April 2027 we aim to have gained top quartile customer satisfaction.